Technical Details
Modular by design, built with flexibility in mind

Loosely coupled components implementing different features can be added or removed from an installation, resulting in different flavors of the platform


Flexible backend

CARDS supports a variety of datatypes including images, genetic information and other unstructured data

Docker container

Containerized with Docker for ease of deployment and configuration


Create user accounts within the platform, or connect to enterprise systems such as Active Directory for authentication

Granular permissions

Allows for granular permissions to define what actions users or groups can perform

  • Use case 1: Allow read for User X on form 1234: Demographics
  • Use case 2: Allow read and write for User X on all forms for subject ABCD
  • Use case 3: Deny read on all answers for question “Date of Birth” for group “Researchers”

Versioning support

Provides support for versioning and can store multiple copies of a single dataset

  • Use case 1: A researcher wants to store both a fully identifiable clinical dataset as well as a deidentified version
  • Use case 2: A user wants to be able to see what data changed at a specified timepoint

Fully api driven

Everything can be retrieved or updated via REST APIs

  • Use case 1: connecting to external systems to push or pull data